Week Five :: Zoom In 50%

:: The Beijing Tourism International kicks off
Monday September 20th 2010
Source :: China Daily
Zoom In Reality Reflection :: Personally i chose this photo because i loved all of the art and the strong stare that both of the ladies had.

:: Woman labourers work at a road construction site in agartala india.. 
Tuesday September 21st 2010
Source :: The Globe & Mail Canada
Zoom In Reality Reflection :: I Chose this photo because of the depth. it looked interesting to see a line of woman working hard at construction. 

:: A Summit to address Family Violence
Wednesday September 22nd 2010
Source :: Bahamas Weekly
Zoom In Reality Reflection :: This photo made me laugh because these persons paid more attention to the photographer, rather than the summit

 :: Minister Turnquest opens fire safety awareness week at the mall at marathon
Thursday September 23rd 2010
Source :: Bahamas Weekly
Zoom In Reality Reflection ::  I Liked this photo because although all the focus is on Mr. Turnquest, the depth of the photo still shows although it has a blur

:: With such excitement of the big games, this man wanted to be apart of it 
Friday September 24th 2010
Source :: The sydney morning herald... Australia 
Zoom In Reality Reflection :: I loved the position of this man and the way he was desperate for a ticket